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Oct. 28, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Oct. 28, 2015  -- 10 AM
Princeton Broadband MLP   Minutes  
10:07 AM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were PBMLP Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and T.A. Nina Nazarian. Also present was John Kowaleski for the Broadband Cmte., consultant Phil Leaman, Chris from Axia and Peter Southwick from Integration Partners.
        Stan outlined the past months activities for the broadband project, and what’s been done so far.
Peter described his company, with over 250 employees, it has worked for Brockton, Boston, Bedford and the state. Stan asked if IP’s vendors were on the state bid list.
        The town has five MBI connections at five town-owned buildings, plus one on Wachusett Mountain. Stan noted the availability of fiber optic in adjacent towns. There is a 12-fiber “build” … the rest would be drops to each house. The town has not determined into address space (distance from street). The system would need about 1,200 addresses. Stan asked about backhaul and back-up backhaul, or a central location for backup. IP could do that.
        Cable TV not likely to come to Princeton. Town solicited for it a couple years ago. About 15-20 houses share WiMax.
10:46 AM  Tom Moylan from Integration Partners arrived. Group looking at a draft marketing plan for a subscription drive. Stan says no interest in PBMLP providing community ‘hot spots.’ Some discussion on controlling—or not--the amount of data per customer, and 100MB possible.
11 AM Jon Fudeman and A.A. Marie Auger arrived. Stan asked that IP review the preliminary design and provide rough estimate for equipment, operations and maintenance. Agreed that first, must release RFP, wait for response 30 – 60 days, which can be done before STM, and use low bidder as figure for debt commitment.
11:35 AM  Received 8-page letter from Ferriter & Ferriter. Voted all in favor to accept this “engagement letter” which Nina has reviewed and she’s communicated with the law firm on details.
        Group proposed meeting on Mondays alternating with BOS, and meet at 10 AM. A meeting schedule will be distributed.
        Verizon has given green light to the pole assessments but didn’t have contract ready yet. The PBMLP needs an audit and some guidance on accounting as per state law. May use COMBYS (state bid list) but need RFP for the huts if not using COMBYS, and may fall under “services & supplies” to make it exempt from the bid process. South Hadley could send an RFP for huts. Pre-subscription sign-ups will need to sign a “premise license” to allow contractor access onto private properties.
12 noon  Board voted to go into executive session and Edith made motion “To go into executive session under the provision of Ch. 30A, Sect. 21, Exemption 10, “To discuss trade secrets or confidential, competitively sensitive or other proprietary information, if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and to adjourn from executive session.” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Stan M.. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”

12:45 PM  Edith moved to adjourn, Jon seconded and Stan M.called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department